Publicerad av Anders Tihkan den 05 Mar 2022
HRH The Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and RI director Peter R Kyle introduced BASRAN's webinar Wetlands and the Baltic Sea Environment where three scientists were lecturing more than 100 participants from 12 countries. We also watched two Showcases about wetlands in practice. District 2370 hosted the webinar which was recorded. You may now watch one or more episodes, or the entire webinar.
Use the links in the program below to go directly to an episode (Youtube in a new tab).
Or click on the Youtube frame below to start from the beginning. If you move the mouse along the player's time marker, you will see where the episodes are in the video.
You find more background in Speaker's profiles and abstracts and on the Program page of the event.

Part 1 Intro and Keynotes

KEYNOTES (56 min)
  • Jens Olsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences: "The Baltic Sea in 15 minutes – what is its status and what can be done for future generations?” (16 min).
  • Sirpa Kurppa, Luke: Natural Resources Institute in Finland: "Reducing the nutrient load to the Baltic Sea through sustainable, cost-effective solutions" (16 min).
  • Renata Augustyniak-Tunowska, Polish Limnological Society: "The role of wetlands in the landscape and solutions for their protection and restoration as the one of main keys for The Baltic Sea protection" (18 min).

Part 2 Showcases

(54 minutes: two Showcases plus Q&A)
  • Robert Cederlund, Initiativ Utö, Sweden: "Wetlands - From cleaner water and more fish to Innovation, Research and Social Benefit" (19 min + Q&A 6 min).
  • Jenny Jyrkänkallio-Mikkola, WWF, Finland: "(Re)creating wetlands to safeguard biodiversity and improve water quality" (22 min + Q&A 4 min).